“China has done so well with developing vaccines, distributing vaccines both in China and the rest of the world. What we really have to rely on is high levels of vaccination which China"s achieved”, said Peter McIntyre, former director of Australia"s National Centre for lmmunization Research and Surveillance.
南宁开展“送苗上门”暖心服务 打通老年人疫苗接种“最后一公里” 开 全市新冠病毒疫苗接种点信息一览表和2月6日-2月12日接种安排 借“疫苗捐赠”攻击抹黑中国,美西方没安好心 李峥:美方用“疫苗捐赠支票”忽悠各国 Night economy lights up streets of China’s Guangxi责任编辑:Rex_22